029 – The Copyright & Ethics Episode

I’ll keep it short and sweet this week – listen to the podcast. I go over a copyright incident that rubbed me the wrong way and Ted goes over an ethics issue that rubbed him the wrong way. After you wade through the obligatory introductory section about food, it gets pretty serious.


Things aren’t all Grinchy, though – here’s a special challenge for those of you with a sense of humor – below is an image by Ted, who is desperately seeking validation of his work by having it stolen. Steal it and do terrible things to it and then post it on our Facebook page in the special #StealTedsPhoto post. Retouch it, make it into a meme, design an ad around it – I don’t care – just do enough stuff that makes him regret all his whining. Extra points for incorporating a hibachi reference.

I will come up with a real prize for the winner – I promise.

Peace, love & paid invoices,

From the Non-Event Album, Mugshots. Copyright Ted Linczak.


019 – Deadlines, Rules, & Customer Service

As per the trend, we bounce from topic to topic. Today we catch up on the dental tragedy that kept Christine away from the microphone last week as well as some pumped up compliments about Ted’s new head shots. We also talk about his desire to become a Civil War re-enactor and the practicalities of wool uniforms in the summer.

See here to read the entire article that prompted our customer service segment:

This Company’s Epic Response to a Pissed Off Client is as American as it Gets

018 – Freedom, Gettysburg, & Tooth Extractions

Well well, we are finally at the point of our first ever 4th of July extravaganza episode. Since we didn’t have time to record that, we instead take a look at the context for this great experiment we call America, and why exactly we celebrate the great 4th of July each year. Ted spends some time talking about his recent Civil War battle reenactment experience, we examine the document that inspired the Declaration of Independence,  and we listen to what exactly happened to the Founders after they signed their names and pledged their lives, their fortune, and their sacred honor. Sadly, poor Christine is absent since she was getting all her teeth removed. Actually, it was just one, I think…