008 – Quality Art & Copyright Bull


Magazine Cover Incredulosity continues as Ted and Christine critique the May issue of Photo District News (PDN), inspiring a discussion of the quality of art. Questions abound…Should Art have some semblance of technical competence. Should any work, no matter how haphazardly and skillessly assembled, be labeled as art?

What happens when our art infringes on the work of another? The questions get deep and analytical as the conversation veers towards theĀ  current lawsuit brought by the creator of “Charging Bull” over the installation of “Fearless Girl” in Mew York City.

This, and more deep discussion about the influence of social media on photography; Ted and Christine ponder the questions that plague the artists of today.

As always, for further reading and and insight, here are the sources for some of today’s conversation:

‘Charging Bull’ artist says ‘Fearless Girl’ violated his rights



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