016 – Craft Beer, Critiques and Fashion Photography Fails

So, this week promises to be an hour of power you won’t soon forget. OK, honestly? We got talking about craft beers and it took the whole episode over time, but that will happen when you have SO many photography subjects at hand to vent about. First, of course, we talk about beer, and Ted recommends the following (among others, but this isn’t  a beer blog, so here’s ONE):



Leinenkugle’s Harvest Patch Sandy


For awhile we talk about Pinterest and it is unanimous that brides + Pinterest = Bad News. (<— note capital letters).

The meat of the conversation revolves around a new online retailer, 24 SÈVRES, who promises to raise the bar in fashion photography ( see THIS article ) and sell more clothes as a result. All we can say is “good luck with that.” For those of you who think that might be a little harsh, we invite you to check out a few images…

And, as usual, we dive into one last conversation about critiques; what they are, what they aren’t, and why your mom is not the best person to ask for input.

Enjoy the MPGA Hour of Power and we will be back next week. Meanwhile – have a shandy!


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